Public part of the 11th General Assembly:
Panel at PRO-VE 2015, Albi, France – 6 Oct 2015- 16:00-18:00
Future R&D Trends in Collaborative Networks
16:00 Opening and Some General Information Hamideh Afsarmanesh (Chair of SOCOLNET GA) Luis Camarinha-Matos (President of SOCOLNET)
16:15 Stratification of CN Ecosystems – a Consequence of Service-Dominant Business? Paul Grefen
16:30 Collaborative Networks – Deliberate and Emergent Peter Bernus
16:45 Rise of New Economies: Green, Circular, Sharing & the Role of CNs David Romero
17:00 Agility of Collaborative Networks – The Next Step of CN Evolution? Frederick Benaben
17:15 Dynamic Decision Making Models in CNs Javad Jaasbi
17:30 Discussion and Q/A Hamideh Afsarmanesh (Moderator)
18:00 Closing
About the speakers and their presentation:
![]() Paul Grefen | Paul W.P.J. Grefen is a full professor in the School of Industrial Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology since 2003. He chaired the Information Systems subdepartment from 2006 to 2014. He received his Ph.D. in 1992 from the University of Twente and held assistant and associate professor positions in the Computer Science Department. He was a visiting researcher at Stanford University in 1994. He has been involved in various European research projects as well as various projects within the Netherlands. He is an editor of the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. He is an editor and author of the books on the WIDE and CrossWork projects, and has authored books on workflow management and e-business. He is a member of the Executive Board of the European Supply Chain Forum. His current research covers architectural design of business information systems, inter-organizational business process management, and service-oriented business design and support. He teaches at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels at TU/e and at the executive level for TIAS business school. | Stratification of Collaborative Network Ecosystems - a Consequence of Service-Dominant Business? In many business domains, we currently see the rise of service-dominant business, i.e., the business paradigm in which customer-oriented, service-based solutions are delivered by orchestrated collaborative business networks (acting as temporary virtual enterprises). The orchestrators in these networks establish and control the customer contact and take care of mass customization - they own the so-called ‘customer intimacy’, delivering the value-in-use to the customer (in a B2C or B2B setting). Other parties in the network deliver component services, often based on various kinds of business resources. These parties may serve multiple networks (and hence multiple orchestrators) and thrive on the principles of economy of scale, taking care of quality and availability of the elements they provide. This segregation in players in collaborative networks may lead to partitioning or even stratification in collaborative business ecosystems and new structures in the (information) management of these ecosystems. |
![]() Peter Bernus | Since 1976 Peter Bernus worked internationally on various aspects of enterprise integration as researcher, consultant and project leader for Industry, Government and Defence (ADF). Together with Professors Günter Schmidt, Jacek Blazevicz and Michael Schaw, Peter Bernus is series editor for the International Handbooks on Information Systems for Springer Verlag. He is member of the editorial boards of several international journals. His special interests include inter- and intra-organisational management, global enterprise networks, and dynamic project enterprises, as well as innovation networks & ecosystems. He has published over 120 refereed papers and book chapters, several edited books, and serves as IPC chair for International Conferences, such as ICEIMT'04, and EI’95. In 2000-2003, he was the Australian leader of the Enterprise Engineering work package of the Globemen International consortium, working with over 20 companies. He is the past chair of the IFIP-IFAC Task Force for Architectures for Enterprise Integration, that developed GERAM, the Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (ISO 15704:2000; 2006), and founding chair of IFIP Working Group 5.12. | Collaborative Networks - Deliberate and Emergent Several disciplines claim the ownership of the problem: how to create collaborative business networks. Management Science, for one, argues that the design of business models is the core task of managers, collaborative networks are a form of business model, therefore the solution must be sought using management (including supply chain management) paradigms. Engineering (of various kinds) would argue that the fundamental issue is the collaborative work itself, and how to manage it should be a consequence of the needs of that work – clearly the leadership of collaborative network design should be in the hands of engineers (being industrial, mechanical, software, systems, etc.), who use an engineering paradigm (where managers are only enablers). Socio-Economists would argue that it is the prevalent socio-economic model of society that is the basis of the creation and operation of collaborative networks, and that we should not try to use engineering models at all, to ‘conceive, design, build, and operate’ collaborative networks, but instead we should create the legal, financial and political groundwork that enables self-evolution, so that such networks emerge. Enterprise architects argue in turn that EA is the systems science of socio-technical systems (perhaps as a special branch of cybernetics) with a scope to cover both directed and emergent change, therefore it is EA’s task to develop a comprehensive and inclusive theory to explain interplay between directed and emergent aspects of various forms of change; consequently, if the systems of interest are collaborative networks, then this contribution is core to the CN discipline, which may in this regard be considered as a branch of EA. This latter view is based on the belief that the major goal of EA as a discipline is to create common abstractions of what this considerable list of disciplines contribute, and to re-explain through a common terminology each discipline’s contribution, so that they can be used in conjunction. |
![]() | David Romero is Senior Research Scientist & Scientific Project Manager at the Tecnológico de Monterrey University in Mexico. He currently acts as leader of the research line on Sustainable PRocess Industry & iNdustrial ecoloGy (SPRING) at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Group, part of the Center for Innovation in Design and Technology at the National Graduate School of Science and Engineering. He has led and participate in various national and international research projects, consulting services and training programs related to: Enterprise Architectures, Integration, Interoperability & Networking, Sustainable – Collaborative Networked Organizations, and Technology & Innovation Management. Furthermore, he is actually member of the Society of Collaborative Networks, the International Federation of Green Information and Communication Technologies, the IFAC TC5.3 on Enterprise Integration and Networking, the IFIP WG5.7 on Advances in Production Management Systems, the IFIP WG5.12 on Architectures for Enterprise Integration, the IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Society and the IEEE Internet of Things Community. He has published more than 70 journal and international conference articles and serves at different editorial and scientific committee boards in the disciplines of business and industrial engineering. | The Rise of the New Economies – Green Economy, Circular Economy, Sharing Economy & the Role of Collaborative Networks Collaboration is commonly mentioned as a challenge and at the same time as an opportunity for corporations and society towards a sustainable industrial landscape and marketplace. In a 1st economic wave, the “Green Economy” called for tighter collaboration among a wide range of stakeholders across the globe to build a collective consciousness towards social and environmental co-responsibility, since at the end there is only one planet. In a 2nd economic wave, the ‘Circular Economy’ ambitions restorative closed-loop, cascades and reverse cycles that protect and enrich the environment, and at the same time create virtuous business value cycles, based on networked enterprises. In a 3rd emerging economic wave, the ‘Sharing Economy’ aims at maximizing the utility of (sharable) assets by means of renting, lending, swapping, bartering and giving them away in order to avoid their idle existence, and based on an interplay of collaborative consumers, producers and service providers. In these three economic waves, “collaboration” has been a strong transformative force of the industrial landscape and marketplace, thus, what is the role of the scientific discipline of Collaborative Networks in these economic scenarios? |
![]() | Frederick Benaben received his PhD in Computer Sciences from the University of Montpellier in 2001 and a habilitation level for research direction in 2012. He is currently associate-professor of information systems at the Industrial Engineering department of the University of Toulouse – Mines Albi (CGI). He is the head of the Interoperability of Organizations team. He has participated as researcher in many European and national projects, (and has also as coordinator for some national projects) in the field of Crisis Management, ICT, interoperability of IS and Collaborative networks of organizations. He is member of several international/national scientific societies (InterOp V-Lab, SOCOLNET, IFIP 5.8, ISCRAM, CNRS GDR-MACS) and has been involved in the organization and program committees of more than 20 international conferences (I-ESA, PRO-VE, ISCRAM, MEDES, IEEE DEST). He has more than 100 publications in Journals and conferences proceedings (32 indexed in the WoS). | Agility of Collaborative Network - The next step of CN evolution? Establishing relevant and efficient collaborative networks is obviously an arduous and complicated tasks. However, as far as this is critical for the maturity and competitiveness of organizations, a lot of research results and industrial works are done to support this objective: new practices, new tools, etc. However, the ecosystem fluidity is still increasing and in addition to this first requirement, another one appears to be probably as much relevant and critical: emerging collaborative networks can be considered as accurate answers for instantaneous contexts but they moreover need to remain appropriate to unstable and changing contexts. Agility of collaborative network becomes consequently more and more critical and should be considered as one main target when defining and designing collaborative networks. Besides, agility, as a key concept embeds complementary dimensions which should be considered complementarily and globally to efficiently improve collaborative networks. |
![]() | Javad Jassbi is a senior researcher in Uninova, Nova University of Lisbon, and professor at the Department of Industrial Management in I.A.U., Science & Research branch. He received his BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1997, MSc in Strategic Management, and PhD in Industrial Management (System) in 2003. He did his Post-Doc in fuzzy knowledge-based systems in Nova University of Lisbon in 2005 and was invited as an Academic Visitor to Bristol Business School in 2010. His research interests include Application of Artificial Intelligence (Fuzzy Logic), Decision Making and Complex System Theory. He has published several academic papers in a number of peer reviewed journals and presented various academic papers in conferences. He is consulting a number of companies and has international experiences in working with educational institutions and Research Centers in other countries such as the Iran, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Portugal. He has been leading several national and international projects since 2005. | Dynamic Decision Making Models in Collaborative Networks It is claimed that management is nothing but decision making when managing Collaborative Networks with dynamic complex nature is not an easy task. Decision models dealing with different kinds of CNs problems need to consider the dynamism of the problem whilst mostly non dynamic models intend to simplify the process. This could end in inaccurate models when the applicability in real world problems is not certain. Thanks to emerging algorithms both for Discrete and Continues dynamical systems and capability of new computational tools, competency of quantitative models to deal with dynamic complex systems is increasing dramatically. Understanding typology of dynamic decision problems in CNs as well as available approaches and models are crucial to develop appropriate solutions. Types of variables and their dependency, number of players and agents, level of uncertainty in Environment, accuracy of information, level of complexity, type of decision, and many other criteria could give us a taxonomy map of solutions and problems for effective match making. |